Humans can start running from as young as 18 months old. - FactzPedia


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Humans can start running from as young as 18 months old.


Humans can start running from as young as 18 months old.

It might be difficult to imagine a baby running wild; however, it is possible.

Humans are developed enough to start running from the age of 18 months old.

However, this isn’t always common as everyone develops at individual paces and it is very much linked to your ability to walk first.

When your toddler turns into Speedy Gonzalez, he's flexing his muscles -- literally. "Running falls under the developmental domain of gross motor," says Sara Hamel, M.D., a behavioral and developmental pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. This type of development is a huge leap for your sure-footed squirt, as it requires mastering many motor skills, including walking and balance. "A lot goes into developing balance; in fact, we think of this as a motor milestone," Dr. Barkin says.When your toddler turns into Speedy Gonzalez, he's flexing his muscles -- literally. "Running falls under the developmental domain of gross motor," says Sara Hamel, M.D., a behavioral and developmental pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. This type of development is a huge leap for your sure-footed squirt, as it requires mastering many motor skills, including walking and balance. "A lot goes into developing balance; in fact, we think of this as a motor milestone," Dr. Barkin says.

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