The witching hour is when ghosts are most potent. - FactzPedia


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The witching hour is when ghosts are most potent.


The witching hour is when ghosts are most potent.

In folklore, the witching hour is associated with paranormal events and when ghosts are likely to appear.

Although it is possible to see a ghost at any time of day, it is said that ghosts will be at their most powerful during the witching hour.

Many argue when the witching hour is, but generally, it is believed to be between 3 and 4 am. 

It is thought that this association stemmed from the Catholic Church. This is because, during the 1500s, the Catholic Church banned activities during this hour.

The ban was due to the fear of witchcraft at the time, as it was assumed this was performed at night.

The witching hour was born and is now known as the most unearthly hour.

This is when poltergeists will move things and terrorize a household or when you are most likely to see one.

So next time you find yourself awake during this hour, be careful of what you might see.

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