The crew aboard the ISS can see the sunrise and set 16 times in 24 hours. - FactzPedia


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The crew aboard the ISS can see the sunrise and set 16 times in 24 hours.


The crew aboard the ISS can see the sunrise and set 16 times in 24 hours.

This happens because the ISS orbits the Earth once every 1.5 hours. As you can imagine, this can absolutely wreak havoc on astronauts’ sleep schedules.

Because there is only microgravity on the ISS, astronauts can’t simply lie down in bed.

Instead, they sleep in sleeping bags attached to the walls of the crew cabins –  tiny compartments that are just large enough to fit a person inside.

he International Space Station (ISS) completes one orbit of Earth in 90 minutes. It is because of this phenomenon that astronauts in space are able to witness sunrise and sunset at an interval of 45 minutes. As a result of this, those in ISS are able to witness as many as 16 sunsets and sunrises every day. What is more interesting is the fact that the difference between the temperatures of sunset and sunrise is 250 degrees Fahrenheit. The reason why the astronauts are able to survive in such erratic temperatures is because of the special material in their space suits.

The suit is equipped to handle both extreme heat and extremely cold temperature conditions in space. These details were revealed in a recent video that was shared on ISS’ official Twitter handle. The rather unbelievable information was shared with a small clip of the ISS.

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