Most research conducted aboard the ISS focuses on living in space. - FactzPedia


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Most research conducted aboard the ISS focuses on living in space.


Most research conducted aboard the ISS focuses on living in space.

When the astronauts aren’t sleeping, eating, or relaxing, they conduct advanced scientific experiments.

Experiments include trying to grow plants in microgravity, testing how well microbes can survive in space, studying how space affects DNA, and even whether normal human reproduction is possible!

The latter hasn’t been tested on humans yet, but several animal tests have been done, which don’t look favorable.

As humans explore space, we will want to bring plants for both aesthetic and practical reasons. We already know from our pioneering astronauts that fresh flowers and gardens on the International Space Station create a beautiful atmosphere and let us take a little piece of Earth with us on our journeys. They’re good for our psychological well-being on Earth and in space. They also will be critical for keeping astronauts healthy on long-duration missions.

A lack of vitamin C was all it took to give sailors scurvy, and vitamin deficiencies can cause a number of other health problems. Simply packing some multi-vitamins will not be enough to keep astronauts healthy as they explore deep space. They will need fresh produce.

Right now on the space station, astronauts receive regular shipments of a wide variety of freeze-dried and prepackaged meals to cover their dietary needs – resupply missions keep them freshly stocked. When crews venture further into space, traveling for months or years without resupply shipments, the vitamins in prepackaged form break down over time, which presents a problem for astronaut health.  

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