Neptune's moon, Triton, orbits the planet backwards. It's the only large moon in our solar system that does this. - FactzPedia


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Neptune's moon, Triton, orbits the planet backwards. It's the only large moon in our solar system that does this.

 Neptune's moon, Triton, orbits the planet backwards. It's the only large moon in our solar system that does this.

With new space discoveries happening weekly, it’s no surprise we wanted to write these 100 random & interesting facts about space!

Space facts are always interesting to learn!

As time goes by, technological advancements have seen us learn more facts about space in the past century than in all time before that.

We’ve literally searched the universe for the most amazing space facts, including facts about the planets in our solar system, moons, the Milky Way, and beyond! We’re pretty sure #100 will make you smile!

Before you begin your journey through time & space, check out our video below with our 5 favorite space facts from this list!

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