It’s dangerous to brush your teeth immediately after eating. - FactzPedia


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It’s dangerous to brush your teeth immediately after eating.


It’s dangerous to brush your teeth immediately after eating. 

You can damage your tooth enamel, the outer layer of your tooth, by brushing your teeth right after eating.

The tooth enamel weakens when you consume acidic foods like meat, pasta, and fish.

Dentists recommend waiting at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after a meal.

This is enough time for your tooth enamel to harden again, preventing it from being damaged.

When you do start brushing your teeth, your teeth and gums will be happiest, Rolle says, if you choose a toothbrush with soft bristles.

“There's a common misconception that a hard toothbrush cleans better than a soft toothbrush, but this is just not true,” Rolle says. Not only does a soft brush clean just as effectively, it’s also better for your gums and teeth. Hard toothbrushes can be a bit abrasive and wear down the enamel on your teeth. They can also cause the gums to recede, which can lead to sensitive teeth.

Rolle also recommends using gentle, but firm, pressure when brushing: “You always want to avoid brushing too hard because that's also abrasive to the gum tissues and teeth.”

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