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What Is Gravity?

What Is Gravity?
Gravity is vital to our existence, but do you know why it exists or what it is?

Why is something that we can’t see so important to our survival and the workings of the solar system?

In this article, we will take a look at what gravity actually is and how it works.

We all know that gravity exists and that it keeps us on the ground, gravity is a force that pulls objects towards itself.

The word gravity comes from the Latin word gravitas which means weight.

On Earth, gravity gives objects weight, whereas on the moon the gravity controls earth’s tides.

Gravity can have many different roles across the solar system; it is the reason why all the planets stay in orbit around the sun.

Here on Earth gravity is the reason things fall when we drop them, like when we jump, we land back on earth.

He wondered why the apple fell and then did not move again and recognized that a force must be pulling it down to Earth.

Newton’s thoughts began to wonder whether this force extended beyond earth and existed in the solar system too.

In 1632 he put forward the concept of gravity and created the law of gravitational force, which helped other physicists at the time discover the workings of the solar system.

Before gravity was discovered, the Greeks believed that the solar system was controlled by a god and followed a natural pattern.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You shared very interesting concepts about Gravity. Gravity is very important to our everyday lives. A number of daily life activities involve the application of gravitational force. For example, playing, sliding, jumping, running, etc. are completely dependent on gravity. A child slides through a slide only due to the presence of gravity on earth. So, playing games would just be impossible without the gravitational force like If you kicked a ball, it would fly off forever. Pouring drink in the glass, rotation of objects, fruits, and leaves falling from trees nothing would be there without gravitational force. If parents and teachers teach concepts with real-world examples and do some fun Physics activities with the kids then learning can be more joyful for them. Thanks for sharing such a helpful post.
