What Happens If A Person Goes Into A Black Hole? - FactzPedia


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What Happens If A Person Goes Into A Black Hole?

What Happens If A Person Goes Into A Black Hole?

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Wondering about this cosmic phenomenon is clearly keeping folks awake at night – it’s time to put it to bed.

You’ve definitely heard of them – you know they’re a dark, powerful enigma of deep space, but do you actually know what they are and how they work?

Black holes are places in space where the gravity is so immensely strong, due to the massive amount of matter squeezed into them relative to their size, that nothing can escape its pull.

Not planets, not stars, and not even electromagnetic radiation such as light.

Because no light can escape, black holes cannot be seen – they are invisible, appearing black against the background of space.

The only way scientists know of their existence is by using specialized telescopes to observe the behavior of stars and gas surrounding them, and how their behavior changes as their distance from the black hole vary.

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