The first Apple logo isn’t what you would think. - FactzPedia


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The first Apple logo isn’t what you would think.

The first Apple logo isn’t what you would think.

Despite carrying the name Apple, the company's first logo did not describe the physical shape of an apple. The first logo was created by Ronald Wayne, one of which co-founded Apple in the early days of 1976, who wanted to represent the law of gravity that is inspired by an apple.

Since its inception in 1976, apple logo design was changed twice. ... It was because he did not want apple to look like a cherry. Another reason for creation of the one-side-bitten apple was that it reflected Apple tagline Byte into an Apple.

Why Apple logo is half bitten?

Bugs. Because it was designed that way 40 years ago (long before Android). And iOS is eating Android for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One story is that it was to give a sense of scale, so that it didn't look like a cherry.

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