Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories. - FactzPedia


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Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories.

Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories.

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 Calories an hour. On average, brushing your teeth for three minutes will burn 10 Calories. Pushing a shopping trolley up the aisles for half an hour will burn over 100 Calories, this number increases with the amount you put in your trolley and the heavier it gets.

Different levels of intensity will burn 150 calories: Ride at a vigorous pace of 14 to 16 miles per hour for 14 minutes. Ride at a moderate pace of 12 to 14 miles per hour for 17 minutes. Ride at an easy pace of 10 to 12 miles per hour for 22 minutes.

Consider the weight-loss potential of the following activities — all based on an average 150-pound person. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 Calories an hour. ... Laughing for 10 minutes can make you burn between 20 and 40 Calories.

If you walk at 3.5 mph for 35 minutes, you'll burn 151 calories. If you walk faster you'll burn calories more quickly and if you walk more slowly, it will take you more than 35 minutes to hit the 150 mark.

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