You’re more likely to get bitten by a person than a shark. - FactzPedia


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You’re more likely to get bitten by a person than a shark.

You’re more likely to get bitten by a person than a shark.

By the magazine’s math, there’s a 1-in-2,000 chance Suarez will take a hunk out of your flesh, considering the Uruguayan soccer star has now chomped on three opposing players. That’s compared to a 1-in-3.7 million chance of getting bitten by a shark.

Not convinced?

The Statesman took it a step further by comparing Suarez’s “Jaws” imitations to the shark bites in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, which is known as the “shark attack capital of the world.” They calculated the odds of being bitten by a shark there to be about equal to Suarez biting an opponent.

Among other things, the magazine says there’s also a better chance of a Suarez bite than getting hit by lightning or an asteroid.

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