Mewtwo is a clone of the Pokémon Mew, yet it comes before Mew in the Pokédex. - FactzPedia


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Mewtwo is a clone of the Pokémon Mew, yet it comes before Mew in the Pokédex.

Mewtwo is a clone of the Pokémon Mew, yet it comes before Mew in the Pokédex.

Despite being Mew's descendant, Mewtwo directly precedes Mew in the game's numerical Pokémon index, owing to the latter's secret inclusion by Game Freak programmer Shigeki Morimoto.

Mew was considered extinct when the Pokedex was made. But as Mewtwo was alive and known, he was placed first. Later, Mew's resurrection of his species in Emerald by a scientist meant they could now get his info for the Pokedex

Mewtwo was created after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments based on Mew.

Mew is a Psychic-type Pokémon with high stats. ... Mew's number in the National Pokédex is 151, the last of the first-generation Pokémon, with 150 being Mewtwo and 152 being Chikorita.

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