What is a Thanksgiving turkey stuffed with for Thanksgiving dinner? - FactzPedia


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What is a Thanksgiving turkey stuffed with for Thanksgiving dinner?


What is a Thanksgiving turkey stuffed with for Thanksgiving dinner?

There are regional differences as to how turkey dressing is made depending on which state you are in.

The most common American version of stuffing uses sage in the dressing, usually made with white bread cubes, onion, sage, celery, and parsley.

Southerners commonly make their dressing from cornbread.

Other parts of the country opt for rye, or sourdough bread, for their base of turkey filling.

Another common practice for some families is making stuffing balls because they want more than just what goes into the turkey.


Thanks to the people involved in the first Thanksgiving and the others who pushed this event to be a holiday, Thanksgiving is considered one of America’s most significant holidays.

Whether you have a turkey dinner at a large table with many people or just some mac and cheese from the microwave, Thanksgiving is about getting together with loved ones and giving thanks for everything and everyone we have around us.

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