Cards Against Humanity was created by a bunch of students from Highland Park High School as a fun party game for a New Year's Eve - FactzPedia


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Cards Against Humanity was created by a bunch of students from Highland Park High School as a fun party game for a New Year's Eve

 Cards Against Humanity was created by a bunch of students from Highland Park High School as a fun party game for a New Year's Eve

Card games have been around for centuries, but what makes Cards Against Humanity so incredibly different?

Check out the facts below about this amazing party game

Several months ago, I brought a game to a bar. Three girlfriends and I started playing, very much aware of the fact that playing a game at a bar is an act of social isolation: It's silently projecting don't talk to us, we're busy.

Within minutes, the waiter who brought us beers asked to be dealt in. We obliged. Three times, complete strangers interrupted us, asking whether we were playing Cards Against Humanity--and whether they could join. This was getting out of hand.

This is to say, Cards Against Humanity has attained quite a cult following. It's also extraordinarily addictive. The formula for play is simple: The dealer reads from a black card posing a question, or asking for a blank to be filled in. Other players, holding hands of white "answer" cards with words or phrases, each submit one to the dealer

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