Jobs named an Apple computer after his daughter. - FactzPedia


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Jobs named an Apple computer after his daughter.


Jobs named an Apple computer after his daughter.

Out of Steve’s four children, only three were with his wife, Laurene Powell.

His first child was with his Homestead High on and off girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan.

When Brennan found out she was pregnant, Jobs denied responsibility for the pregnancy, which resulted in Brennan ending her relationship with Jobs.

Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs was born May 17, 1978. Jobs was not present for Lisa’s birth but went to visit Brennan three days later. Together they named their daughter Lisa.

Jobs then named the computer he was working on the Apple Lisa.

He then denied publically that he named the system after his daughter and that LISA stood for “Local Integrated Systems Architecture.”

In later years he has admitted that the project was named after his daughter.

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