Dinosaurs have been around for more than 230 million years! - FactzPedia


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Dinosaurs have been around for more than 230 million years!


Dinosaurs have been around for more than 230 million years!

About 250 million years ago, most life on earth went extinct, and within the next ten million years or so, dinosaurs began to evolve.

The exact timing of when dinosaurs first entered the scene is up for question, but we know for sure that it was between 230-245 million years ago.

No. There is no evidence of a correlation between mass extinctions and magnetic pole reversals.Earth’s magnetic field and its atmosphere protect us from solar radiation. It’s not clear whether a weak magnetic field during a polarity transition would allow enough solar radiation to reach the Earth's surface that it would cause extinctions. But reversals happen rather frequently--every million years...

Dinosaur communities were separated by both time and geography. The 'Age of Dinosaurs' (the Mesozoic Era) included three consecutive geologic time periods (the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods). Different dinosaur species lived during each of these three periods. For example, the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus had already been extinct for approximately 80 million years before the...

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