Did you know that the average human adult has 32 teeth including their wisdom teeth? - FactzPedia


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Did you know that the average human adult has 32 teeth including their wisdom teeth?

 Did you know that the average human adult has 32 teeth including their wisdom teeth?

Over the ages, people have attributed many facts to numbers.

Numerology, superstition, important dates, and so many other things cling to various numbers, which in some cases gives them great significance!

Today let’s take a look at 32 fast facts about the number 32.

Water begins to freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0°C) at normal atmospheric pressure.

The number 32 is divisible by numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. It also happens to be the fifth power of two (25).

Mathematically, the number 32 is pretty cool as it can be written as 11 + 22 + 33!

If you happen to be a fan of all things Roman, here’s one for you – the number 32 in Roman Numerals can be written as XXXII, with the Xs representing 10s and the Is representing 1s.

32 is the atomic number of the chemical element germanium. Germanium belongs to group 14 of the periodic table, otherwise known as the carbon group. It’s quite a shiny-looking metalloid element and is used chiefly for fiber and infrared optics.

The Messier 32 galaxy is a magnitude nine dwarf galaxy in the Andromeda constellation, approximately 2,650,000 light-years away from the solar system. Fortunately, it’s pretty far away, as it contains a supermassive black hole with a mass of about 1.5 – 5 million suns.

32 is a pretty significant number in the timeless game of chess. There are 32 black squares, 32 white squares, and 32 pieces on the board at the beginning of the game!

There are 32 teams in total in the United States National Football League.

US sports organizations apparently like the number 32 a lot, as it’s also the number of total teams in the National Hockey League!

But wait, there’s more – from 1998 to 2022, the FIFA World Cup features 32 teams in their tournaments!

From 2023, the FIFA Women’s World Cup tournament also runs with 32 teams.

OK, the last soccer fact for all you fanatics – a standard soccer ball is most typically made from 32 leather panels.

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