BMW holds the Guinness world record for longest drift. - FactzPedia


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BMW holds the Guinness world record for longest drift.

BMW holds the Guinness world record for longest drift.

On December 11, 2017, Johan Schwartz set two new world records for BMW.

After drifting for eight hours and covering 232.5 miles (374 kilometers), Schwartz set a new record for “Greatest distance vehicle drift in 8 hours.”

To promote the release of the BMW M5, BMW hired Danish racing driver Schwartz to break the existing record.

However, this wasn’t the only record attempt that day.

Matt Mullins, an American professional driver, was out to break Longest twin vehicle drift (water assisted)” with Schwartz for BMW.

The two managed to get 49.25 miles (79.26 kilometers), breaking the previous record of 17.72 miles (28.52 kilometers).

You might be wondering how they managed such a distance without having to refuel.

There’s a difference between “drifting” and “fishtailing,” but a Russian man who claims to have broken the world record for longest sustained drift isn’t splitting those particular hairs

The stunt was live streamed on YouTube. It’s got the one wide-angle shot of the frozen Kaldî Lake near Russia’s Chelyabinsk region and a number of commentators who keep the dialogue going (in Russian, without subtitles) as the car circled on and on into the night. 

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