Here are the eight different phases explained. - FactzPedia


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Here are the eight different phases explained.


Here are the eight different phases explained.

New Moon.

The beginning of the cycle starts with the New Moon, which is invisible to us.

This is because it is the time in the cycle where the Moon is directly in line with Earth and the Sun, so the side of the Moon we see is cast with a shadow.

No direct sunlight can reach its surface on this side; therefore, it does not appear illuminated to us.

This is day 1 of the cycle.

Waxing Crescent.

The next stage is called the Waxing Crescent. Waxing means that it is growing or getting bigger.

This phase is when the Moon begins to move into a position where the sun starts to illuminate part of the Moon’s surface, so we see a small crescent appearing.

It remains the Waxing Crescent moon until it is around 49% illuminated.

First Quarter.

Following the Waxing Crescent comes the First Quarter.

We can see about 50% of the Moon illuminated, so it looks like a semi-circle.

This is also when the Moon has moved a quarter in orbit around the Earth.

Waxing Gibbous.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon is the phase when the Moon is at 51%-99% illumination, just after the First Quarter Moon.

This Moon phase starts from appearing to be half-illuminated to almost being fully illuminated.

Full Moon.

The Full Moon is when it has reached the opposite side of the Earth in orbit to the Sun.

This means that the Moon’s surface is in direct sunlight and can be illuminated in full for us to admire in the night sky.

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