Fun facts about famous Geminis. - FactzPedia


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Fun facts about famous Geminis.


Fun facts about famous Geminis.

  1. Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1 and became one of Hollywood’s most successful actresses. She had plenty of talent, beauty, and social connections – a typical Gemini!
  2. Born on June 8, rapper Kanye West is a Gemini. He shares four children with Kim Kardashian and officially became a billionaire in 2020.
  3. Actress Natalie Portman, born June 9, earned a place at Harvard Law School when she was just 18 years old. It goes to show Geminis are really smart!
  4. Born on May 26, actress Helena Bonham-Carter is a successful Gemini. Her first on-screen role was as Netty Bellinger in A Pattern of Roses in 1983.
  5. Former US President Donald Trump was born on June 14 and is famous for many reasons. He owns luxury property worldwide and made headlines in 2019 for not bowing to Queen Elizabeth II.

You can count yourself lucky if you’re friends with a Gemini. They are one of your best friends who will always look out for you.

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