Did you know that Thomas Edison invented the first long-lasting incandescent light bulb? - FactzPedia


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Did you know that Thomas Edison invented the first long-lasting incandescent light bulb?

 Did you know that Thomas Edison invented the first long-lasting incandescent light bulb?

To put it very simply, electricity is the flow of electric energy that powers technology – from the lights in our house, the computer we work on, and the smallest of gadgets we use in our daily lives. 

But there’s more to it than that, of course. Like, what is it exactly?

Diving deeper into electricity’s complicated science produces more questions for us laypeople.

Even scientists don’t have definitive answers for us, only more abstract questions on top of ours.

And isn’t this what makes something like electricity fun to try to discover and understand? That’s science for you!

One day, Edison was sitting in his laboratory absent-mindedly rolling a piece of compressed carbon between his fingers. He began carbonizing materials to be used for the filament. He tested the carbonized filaments of every plant imaginable, including baywood, boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax, and bamboo. He even contacted biologists who sent him plant fibers from places in the tropics. Edison acknowledged that the work was tedious and very demanding, especially on his workers helping with the experiments. He always recognized the importance of hard work and determination

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