At least one Yakuza faction requires would-be gangsters to complete an exam. - FactzPedia


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At least one Yakuza faction requires would-be gangsters to complete an exam.


At least one Yakuza faction requires would-be gangsters to complete an exam.

While this seems downright bizarre, it makes perfect sense after Japan introduced laws that made gang bosses liable for the actions of their underlings.

The exam involves at least twelve questions, covering topics on what actions are and are not punishable by law, the sentences and fines associated with them, and so on.

It’s enforced by Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest remaining Yakuza faction.

Yesterday it emerged that Japanese Yakuza bosses now require gangsters to sit exams. We dug out some sample questions.

▶ Match the amounts owed to the breakages: A) £500; B) £1,000; C) £10,000; 1) office chair; 2) arm; 3) pelvis.

Unauthorised dumping of industrial waste is illegal. Briefly explain why we should do it anyway.

▶ List three bank scams not expressly prohibited by Japanese law (hint: assassinating the bank manager is NOT one of them).

▶ A washed-up, alcoholic wrestler under your protection is scheduled to fight the current champion in 10 days' time. Who wins?

▶ Under what circumstances would you give your boss a box containing your little finger?

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