The Earth weighs about 81 times more than the Moon. - FactzPedia


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The Earth weighs about 81 times more than the Moon.


The Earth weighs about 81 times more than the Moon.


The Moon’s gravity, much like other planets, differs depending on where you are on its surface.

The moon's mass is 7.35 x 1022 kg, about 1.2% of Earth's mass. Put another way, Earth weighs 81 times more than the moon. The moon's density is 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter (3.34 g/cm3). That is about 60% of Earth's density.  

 The moon's gravitational force is only about 16.6 % of Earth's gravity which means a person would weigh six times less on the moon than they do on Earth. A 45-kilogram person would weigh 100 lbs. on Earth but only 16.6 lbs. on the moon. Long jump events on the lunar surface would certainly be interesting as a person who can jump up 10 feet on Earth would be able to jump almost 60 feet on the moon.

Like most of the solar system worlds, the moon's gravity varies based on its surface features. In 2012, NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission(opens in new tab) mapped the moon's gravity in unprecedented detail.

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