Spacesuit helmets have a Velcro patch, to help astronauts itch. - FactzPedia


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Spacesuit helmets have a Velcro patch, to help astronauts itch.


Spacesuit helmets have a Velcro patch, to help astronauts itch.

This is the Velcro patch’s one and only purpose. 

Astronaut Harrison Schmitt mentions this in a commentary on Apollo 17:
We had a piece of Velcro put on the inside of the helmet that we reached over and scratched our nose on. Everybody seemed to agree that you needed that".

The feedport looks like this: it allows the astronaut to drink from a straw if for some reason they couldn't from their in-suit drink valve. The vecro on the outside is to secure the feedport cap. Note, this is not the valsalva device mentioned in other answers. The valsalva device can be seen to the left of the feedport in this image.

On the inside of the feedport is a little flap that is normally held closed by suit pressure during EVA. A small patch of Velcro could be affixed to the back of the flap to scratch a nose on, while not interfering with the operation of the feedport.

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