10 Fascinating Facts About Daniel Radcliffe - FactzPedia


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10 Fascinating Facts About Daniel Radcliffe

10 Fascinating Facts About Daniel Radcliffe
Even if you’re not a fan of the Harry Potter movies, it’s impossible not to recognize the name, Daniel Radcliffe.

Alongside Emma Watson, he became not only one of the most-loved characters on screen but also one of the world’s favorite actors.

When he was just 10 years old, he played the young David Copperfield in the BBC’s adaptation of David Copperfield.

He got the part after his mother sent in a Polaroid photograph of her son to the BBC.

His first major movie was The Tailor of Panama, in which he played Mark Pendel.

He was 11 years old when he was cast in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – the first Harry Potter movie to be created.

Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!

Radcliffe played Harry Potter for ten years, before finishing in 2011 with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

He is known for losing his cigarette lighters and regularly asks his fans if he can borrow one.

Can you imagine Harry Potter as anybody other than Daniel Radcliffe? His parents almost didn’t let him take on the role since they thought it might be too big a commitment for him.

He found out he had got the part while he was at home in the bath.

Both J. K. Rowling and Chris Columbus stated that Radcliffe was their first choice for the part.

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