5 Interesting Facts About Alec Benjamin - FactzPedia


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5 Interesting Facts About Alec Benjamin

5 Interesting Facts About Alec Benjamin

He has an older sister named Logan, who was born over 2 months premature. Logan has been a huge supporter of Alec’s musical career.

Alec didn’t come from a musical background, his father would play guitar as a hobby, but other than that he had no musical influence growing up.

At age 16, he started to write and compose his own songs on his computer at home. At the time many 16-year-olds were posting YouTube videos of them covering famous songs, but this is where Alec was different.

From the age of 17, he began to immerse himself in the music scene. Emailing record companies and artists, as well as playing in parking lots and outside concert halls to get noticed.

As a teenager he even traveled to LA and as far as the UK to physically immerse himself in the musical community.

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