In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one guinea pig. - FactzPedia


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In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one guinea pig.

In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one guinea pig.

At first, it sounds like one of the silliest laws ever: in Switzerland, you're not allowed to own just one guinea pig or parrot. The reason for this is that they're social species, and they are considered victims of abuse if they aren't able to regularly interact with others of their species.

In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only one guinea pig because they’re social animals prone to loneliness. 

°Switzerland’s pet ownership laws don’t stop at guinea pigs

°Dog owners are also required to take a series of classes before getting a furry friend

°People who own one indoor cat are required to let it outside, or give it a window from which it can see another cat, or else they have to get a second feline companion

°Fish owners are required to produce full day/night cycles for them with the tank lighting

°Sick fish cannot be flushed down the toilet; special chemicals must be used for euthanasia

°The country even has companies that will rent out guinea pig companions to people who’s pet has recently lost their friend

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