Google rents out goats. - FactzPedia


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Google rents out goats.

Google rents out goats.

Google employed a company called 'California Grazing' to provide a novel solution to grass maintenance. The company provides Google with 200 goats who spend roughly a week at Google HQ, eating grass and fertilising the grounds at the same time.

Google is renting the goats from a company called California Grazing. ... Google claims the goats will cost about the same as lawn mowers would. And a border collie named Jen will be brought onto Google's payroll to help with the herding as well, apparently.01-May-2009

Larger lots require larger herds, which typically take three to five days to clear one acre. Healing Hooves' herd of 250 goats and sheep starts around $700 and Rent-A-Ruminant offers 15-, 60- or 120-goat herds for $250 to $725 a day.04-Mar-2020

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