Crows often hold grudges against specific people. - FactzPedia


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Crows often hold grudges against specific people.

Crows often hold grudges against specific people.

Crows don't forget a face — and they hold grudges, too. Researchers in Seattle revealed last year that captured crows remember the face of their abductor. ... Now the researchers' follow-up study shows that the birds' brains light up much like the human mind when they see a face they know.

A 2011 study revealed crows can remember the human faces who capture them. According to another a study published in the journal Animal Behaviour, ravens which include crows, jays and magpies, have the ability to 'hold grudges' for up to two years.

Ravens and other members of the corvid family (crows, jays, and magpies) are known to be intelligent. They can remember individual human faces, expertly navigate human environments (like trash cans), and they even hold funerals for their dead.

Crows remember the faces of those who are mean to them and those who are especially kind.

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