Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man to ever live in history. - FactzPedia


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Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man to ever live in history.

Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man to ever live in history.

Augustus Caesar – peak net worth: $4.63 trillion (£3.28trn)
The first Roman emperor, who ruled the vast empire from 27 BC until his death in AD 14, boasted a personal fortune equivalent to 20% of the entire empire's economy, worth $4.63 trillion (£3.28trn) nowadays. At one point Augustus even owned Egypt.

He was the first African ruler to be widely known throughout Europe and the Middle East, and is regarded as the richest person to have ever lived. His wealth greatly surpassing anyone today. Mansa Musa is one of the richest man to ever live with a net worth of $800 Billion U.S Dollars.

Mansa Musa's wealth was much greater than Augustus Caesar's estimated $4.6trillion. ... And his fortune was infinitely greater than the second richest man of all time, Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, whose has been estimated at $4.6trillion.

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa, the king of Timbuktu, is often referred to as the wealthiest person in history.

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