There is a spacecraft graveyard in the South Pacific Ocean. - FactzPedia


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There is a spacecraft graveyard in the South Pacific Ocean.

There is a spacecraft graveyard in the South Pacific Ocean.

The spacecraft cemetery, known more formally as the South Pacific Ocean Uninhabited Area, is a region in the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand, where spacecraft that have reached the end of their usefulness are routinely de-orbited and destroyed.

There is a solution—spacecraft operators can plan for the final destination of their old satellites to make sure that any debris falls into a remote area. This place even has a nickname—the Spacecraft Cemetery! It's in the Pacific Ocean and is pretty much the farthest place from any human civilization you can find.

Clearly, there are no human inhabitants anywhere near Point Nemo (the name “Nemo” itself is both Latin for “no one,” as well as a reference to Jules Verne's submarine captain from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea). In fact, the location is so isolated that the closest people to Nemo are actually not even on Earth.

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