There is a fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame. - FactzPedia


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There is a fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame.

There is a fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame.

The Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame began in 2013. There are two criteria for nomination to be inducted into the Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame: the character must be a fictitious athlete or athletic supporting role appearing after 1970. ... Voting in the Fictitious Athlete Hall of Fame is public.

Seems simple right? Appear as an athletic character in movies or TV, and it should be a basic equation. However, there is a lot more grey area that you would initially think. Take the case of the Jamaican Bobsled Team that stole headlines in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. Their exploits made international headlines and were the subject of the film, “Cool Runnings” shot five years later. The film, which was cute and fun, was a loose interpretation of what happened, and the actual bobsledders’ names (Devon Harris, Dudley Stokes, Michael White, and Nelson Stokes) and backstory were replaced with the more colourfully named (Derice Bannock, Junior Bevil, Yul Brynner and Sanka Coffee). As there was most certainly no “Sanka Coffee” competing at the Olympics, we have a series of candidates that many people are not aware are “Fictitious”

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