Most toilet paper sold for home use in France is pink. - FactzPedia


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Most toilet paper sold for home use in France is pink.

Most toilet paper sold for home use in France is pink.

Yes, this is a thing. A few decades back, pink was the most common color for toilet paper, and there were some fancy blue ones. Today there is plenty of white toilet paper available, but pink is still here too.
The vast majority of the toilet roll tubes are made from recycled paper. Recycled paper pulp tends to be a grotty grey so either needs more bleaching or dyeing a stronger colour to make it more appealing. Pink is just a regional preference, although I can't find out who started the craze for this colour in France.

Most toilet paper is white in France. Some are pink.

France, Portugal, Italy, Japan, Argentina, and Venezuela

 In these countries, paper is also scarce, so they will usually have a bidet available, which is a toilet that features water jets to clean yourself with instead of paper.

Citing poor sales figures due to medical and ecological concerns about the general safety of pastel dyes, colored toilet paper quietly drifted to the island of discontinued items. The experts at Toilet Paper World (yes, such a place exists) say that the colorful rolls were discontinued in 2004.

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