In 1997 a cargo ship lost 4.8 million Lego bits in a storm. They are still washing up today. - FactzPedia


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In 1997 a cargo ship lost 4.8 million Lego bits in a storm. They are still washing up today.

In 1997 a cargo ship lost 4.8 million Lego bits in a storm. They are still washing up today.

During stormy weather on February 13, 1997, a Tokio Express container ship was hit by a massive wave about 20 miles from Land's End. The ship tilted more than 45 degrees and lost 62 containers overboard - including one containing 4.8 million pieces of Lego.

The container ship Tokio Express was hauling cargo across stormy seas on February the 13th, when a rogue wave crashed over the decks and caused some of her cargo to become loose and wash overboard.

One such container contained a shipment of Lego including octopuses, dragons, flippers and flowers.

These pieces are often found on the beaches of Cornwall in the UK, whenever there’s a particularly bad storm.

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