Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest! - FactzPedia


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Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Researchers have long wondered how these tiny flyers were able to navigate the challenges of high-altitude flight—and just how high bumblebees could go. ... Two bumblebees were able to fly at more than 29,525 feet (9,000 meters)—higher than Mount Everest

ScienceShot: Bumblebees Capable of Flying Higher Than Mount Everest | Science | AAAS.

six miles
The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man. A honey bee can fly for up to six miles, and as fast as 15 miles per hour, hence it would have to fly around 90,000 miles -three times around the globe – to make one pound of honey.

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