Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females. - FactzPedia


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Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females. Billy goats, or bucks is the name given to male goats. Generally they urinate on themselves in late summer through fall, and for humans, it's not a pleasant smell.

Bucks stink with a strong musky odor, which comes from both their scent glands, located near their horns, and their urine, which they spray on their face, beards, front legs and chest.

The buck will urinate upon his face, beard, and front legs. He will approach the flagging doe, she will squat and urinate, and he will place his nose in the urine stream. Raising his head high, the buck will curl his upper lip to detect the pheromones which tell him that the doe is receptive to being bred.

I wouldn't eat it. Gamey = tastes wild and full of the stench of male goat. I have even seen them stink so bad when cooking you lost your appetite for eating. Many male domestic meat animals not castrated are nearly unedible.

Try applying fresh cow dung or goat dung on leaves. The stinky odor keeps the goats away from them.

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