The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J. - FactzPedia


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The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.

The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.
The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J. 
The One Letter Not Found in Element Names or SymbolsThe letter "J" is the only one not found on the periodic table. In some countries (e.g., Norway, Poland, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia), the element iodine is known by the name jod. However, the periodic table still uses the IUPAC symbol I for the element.

During our years of study we are gaining extensive knowledge in various subjects, over time this knowledge is more extensive and deep and often we do not assimilate all at the same pace as our peers, so I am sure that 97% of people do not they have noticed this enigma referring to the letter "J" and the periodic table.

It is very common that during our learning process especially in high school, we are made to learn some existing chemical elements in nature, through one of the subjects belonging to the misnamed "The 3 Marias" which are "Mathematics, Physics and chemistry".

This learning of the elements we achieved thanks to the famous "Periodic Table of Chemical Elements" that more than one can get purple hairs, if we analyze carefully we can see that these elements are represented with letters either alone or in pairs. Generally these letters are placed according to the name that is placed to element when it is discovered or due to the name of the person who discovered it.

But have we ever noticed that the letter "J is not found in this table?

Although it is not the only letter of the alphabet that is not within the Periodic Table of the chemical elements because the letter "ñ" is not found either. The "J" is a letter used internationally but the "ñ" is only Latin and is a product to a very simple and common factor that many would seem absurd but with an irrefutable logic.

The reasonable determination is that the names of the chemical elements are an abbreviation, but this abbreviation is associated with their Latin names, and the "J" did not exist in Latin, rather the "J" is a transformation that suffered the letter "I", this explains that the letter "j" in lowercase also has a point above.

Initially it was known as "i" Dutch. In other places it is known as "i" long, the truth is that the current name "jota" may have been taken from the "iota" which is a Greek letter.

The letter "iota" is the ninth letter that is in the Greek alphabet and has symbols for both the uppercase and lowercase, these are Ι and ι respectively. On the other hand, in ancient Greece it is written as Ιώτα. And the letters that have been derived from this are the i and the J in the Latin alphabet and "І, і, Yi, Ї, ї, Je, Ј, ј" of the Cyrillic alphabet.

The Greeks also have a numeral representation system that was used for numbers, but now it is only used for ordinal numbers, for this they assigned a number for each of the Greek letters and in the case of ι it is number 10 , that is to say that now, iota is the tenth of the ordinal numbers.

The "J" is the tenth letter and seventh consonant of the Castilian alphabet. It is the last letter incorporated into the alphabet and the written language. The J sign appeared first in the Roman alphabet. In the middle age initially its elongated form "J" was used with ornamental character, as well as in the writing of figures. It took almost a century and a half for it to appear regularly printed in European books. Therefore, long after the invention of the printing press the J was no more than a mere calligraphic variation of the "i". Both in Latin and in ancient Spanish, it could have the value of a vowel or a semivowel, as well as showing a restricted use of its function as a consonant in any position of a word. That explains the orthographic variations that appeared in two well-known Spanish words: Mexico / Mexico and Quixote / Quijote.

Despite the fact that over the years the "J" has been coming incorporating into the word even though the new discovered elements have not been called with this denomination, so even the Periodic Table is still waiting for this acronym within the set of names.

Even among so many elements present in nature that have not been discovered, it must be there waiting to be found and be called with the acronym "J".